Reference content from other modules or in multiple places in an Email Design System.
The Taxi Rich Text Editor allows text to be styled as bold, italic, a link or with custom formatting.
Text formatting isn't editable by default, but sometimes you may wish to add controls on formatting.
Make any CSS in your Email Design System editable using update attributes.
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Use checkbox fields and rules to create a right to left layout in your emails.
Get more out of the rules in your Email Design System by using if, unless, elsif and else tags.
Automatically create a text version from the HTML email in Taxi.
Reduce the amount of HTML and Syntax you need, to create a more streamlined Email Design System, with the editor-focus attribute.
Add more control to your Email Design System by using the expect attribute.
Have complete control over how your Email Design System looks and is edited for mobile devices.
If there is anything you are unsure on or if you have any feedback about our documentation please feel free to reach out to us via the live chat in your Taxi account or email us at