Our engineering team are always perfecting the Taxi user experience. You can check out our most recent updates here.


  • Our Emarsys connector is live. This means you can now export your email campaigns from Taxi to Emarsys in just a few clicks. This connector supports segmentation and email-per-version, where Taxi creates an email in Emarsys for each version of a mailing in Taxi.
  • We've made the link tracking setup process more intuitive, so that you can test example links and preview the link tracking that will be added in Taxi. 

Bug fixes:

  • It's now impossible to clone or rename a version with the same name as another version. This will avoid confusion over duplicates and prevent naming and sending errors.
  • We've corrected an edge case issue that was occurring in the Adobe Campaign visual editor.
  • Various rich text fixes.

Check back frequently to see more product updates

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Taxi helps marketing teams make better quality email, quicker, at a larger scale.

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