Did you miss #Litmuslive? We have the twitter feed to help give you the full #Litmuslive experience.

If you weren't fortunate to attend #Litmuslive SF this year, don't worry twitter (and Taxi For Email) have gathered a few tweets from the event to give you the real time attendee experience

The Role of Email successful omnichannel marketing programme

Moving Beyond Campaigns: Creating a Flagship Email Product

A Framework for Rapid Email Experimentation

How Pinterest Moved from Curation to Automation

And then.....everybody stopped tweeting

Day 2

@Justinejordon told off all the #emailgeeks for their lack of tweets and they listened

Tackling your busy season with forecasting, strategy, testing and teamwork

Better Emails, Faster with Email Design Systems

How We Transitioned 12 Million Records to a New ESP in 8 Weeks

Demystifying APIs for Better Email Programs

Copywriting & Content Creation in Heavily-Regulated Industries

Driving Personalization with Modular Design

Better Email Onboarding Through Strategy, Testing, and Experimentation

The Great Interactivity Debate

Driving Downstream Funnel Metrics with A/B Testing

Keeping Up With Customers After the Inbox Closes

Thanks to all the speakers at Litmus, especially those who were speaking for the first time =L

Did we mention how much we love #Litmuslive and we're so glad it loves us too

Follow us on Twitter & Instagram @Taxiforemail for more future conference updates!

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