Did you miss #Litmuslive? We have the twitter feed to help give you the full #Litmuslive experience.
If you weren't fortunate to attend #Litmuslive SF this year, don't worry twitter (and Taxi For Email) have gathered a few tweets from the event to give you the real time attendee experience
Email is the hub of multi-channel/omni-channel marketing working amongst a team of channel experts. Leverage each channel for its unique expertise =L @laurenkremer#litmuslive
A flagship email product is branded, sent repeatedly, actionable, and evolves over time. Think of email as a killer app, and put in the time and effort to make it one. @MrDrewPrice#LitmusLivepic.twitter.com/3JEq8rffTb
"Stop debating and start doing." Use experimentation to settle disagreements. In email, everything depends, so you have to test and experiment. @RianLemmer@kTinklenberg#litmuslive
Feeling very validated by @sentbycrystal at #litmuslive - apparently I'm actually using a "design system" - but now I'm challenged to work with my designers to come up with more modules. @marketingcloud makes module creation (with flexibility) really easy.
For retailers, 80% of your revenue comes from 20% of your most valuable customers. @ndbruin09 encourages a VIP segmentation strategy to create unique messaging and encourage early ordering for this cohort. #litmuslive
Feeling very validated by @sentbycrystal at #litmuslive - apparently I'm actually using a "design system" - but now I'm challenged to work with my designers to come up with more modules. @marketingcloud makes module creation (with flexibility) really easy.
Not enough people understand this: Design systems are living, growing things. The industry changes, code changes, and brands change. Your design system needs to be able to change right along with them. @sentbycrystal#LitmusLive#EmailDesign#DesignSystems
Copywriting & Content Creation in Heavily-Regulated Industries
Great talk by @sarahesterman at #litmuslive on how important it is to think about people and work together to get through compliance process in a way that works for your marketing team. And socks
Every time I hear @sarahesterman at #litmuslive I'm blown away by the hoops that regulated industries go through to send email, and even more impressed by her creative solutions approached with transparency, empathy, and humor. She rocks. =L
Enjoyed the Driving Personalization with Modular Design presentation at #LitmusLive. I get the Subaru Insider newsletter and I can vouch for the fact that Subaru does email right. (Not surprised.)
Better Email Onboarding Through Strategy, Testing, and Experimentation
Want to put this slide in front of every company that sends email (so, all of them!)
An email inbox is a personal space for our customers and we should treat our customers with the respect they deserve. Bravo, Chris Kaundart! #LitmusLivepic.twitter.com/Q0uIIkZ43F