Email Marketing
What makes a good subject line?
Subject lines are an important part of your email, so here's how to not mess them up.
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Every month our product team work hard to make Taxi even better, helping to enable marketers create awesome email!
We work hard every month to make updates to Taxi, to help enable you and your team to create your best work.
Here are our March updates:
= New permissions
You can now choose who sees and can use each template and connector in your account. The permissions can be set once and means each user or team will only see the connector or template they have access to.
Head to the connector or template you want to hide from certain people, and follow the steps from our help centre guide to set this up in your account.
( Keyboard shortcuts
We've added keyboard shortcuts to the rich text editor to allow you to add bold, italic and underline to your copy.
For bold: use Cmd + B/Ctrl + B,
For italic: use Cmd + I/Ctrl + I
For underline use: Cmd + U/Ctrl + U.
> Sharing your email across teams
Share a link to the email you're working on with your team directly from the Taxi editor. We have created a 'help' area in the editor navigation, with the option to "share this page with your team".
=K BYou can now set a template owner
You can now set a point of contact if people have questions about a template in your Taxi account. When you set a template owner, you can choose anyone in your account, and they can define how they want to be contacted.
Learn how to set up a template owner.
=> PDF exports
You can now export your emails to PDF. This is in addition to exporting to HTML, screenshots and hosted URLs. To get this enabled on your account, get in touch with our team!
Omeda connector
We have a new partnership with Omeda, which enables you to export your emails from Taxi to Omeda with ease.
The connector works by syncing in with your ESP to populate your emails from Taxi into Omeda at the click of a button. You can set up your connector following these easy steps from our help centre, or reach out to a member of our team for a free demo of the integration.
SAP connector
We have partnered up with SAP, to enable you to export your emails from Taxi to SAP at the click of a button.
Similar to Omeda, the connector works by syncing in with your ESP so that you no longer need to copy and paste any HTML, everything can be done for you! You can set up your connector following these easy steps from our help centre, or reach out to a member of our team for a free demo of the integration.
Taxi helps marketing teams make better quality email, quicker, at a larger scale.